Lines in the Sand :: By Rick Segoine

Satan has drawn a line in the sand as if to say, ‘I will fight against the integrity of God to the bitter end.’...

Matters of the Heart :: By Rick Segoine

Angels stand guard over the hearts of believers. The thoughts of the wicked are manipulated by demons. The wise find ways to mend broken hearts....

The Old Man Is Snoring :: By Rick Segoine

Millions and millions of people seem to be sound asleep. Sawing logs, collecting some zzz’s, and counting sheep. Most realize there are seriously bad things...

All of the Honor and Glory :: By Rick Segoine

Without God, all is vanity, and life truly is meaningless under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:2). It is the spirit of vanity that either denies the...

All You Nations: Author Anonymous :: Shared By Rick Segoine

Repent of your wickedness, all nations of this modern world; the 21st century has swung its doors wide open. All of you who despise God’s...

“Watch Out That No One Deceives You” :: By Rick Segoine

Jesus was sitting on the Mt. of Olives and said this to Peter, John, James, and Andrew when they asked Him what the signs...

He Declares the End from the Beginning :: By Rick Segoine

One day you are young and attractive and full of energy, and the next day, you are putting your will and testament in order...

The Rapture and the Second Coming :: By Rick Segoine

The things that Jesus said and did on Earth and the impact He has had on the twenty centuries that have since passed are...

100% Trust in Jesus :: By Rick Segoine

How much do I trust Jesus is something I ask myself. This question is one that might be helpful for all believers to ask...

A Watchman’s Prayer :: By Rick Segoine

Please pray with me… Heavenly Father, there are so many things to pray to you about and so very many men, women, and children...