The Mockers Are Multiplying :: By Rick Segoine

Here we are on Planet Earth, this beautiful little world that looks like a shining blue and white ball from outer space, this absolutely...

Constant Transparent Deception :: By Rick Segoine

The deceptions, the deceit, the lies, the reprobate inside-out minds that produce all of this untruth and the wickedness behind it are in a...

Some History of Wars & Rumors of Wars :: By Rick Segoine

What is war? A most basic definition would be: “conflict.” Conflict between two or more entities, with armies generally numbering in the thousands. Human history...

Heavenly Father, Holy God of Israel :: By Rick Segoine

Everything that lives receives its life from our Heavenly Father. Everything that breathes receives its breath from our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is the Holy...

The Rapture is Still Imminent :: By Rick Segoine

2023 has passed, and believers in Jesus are still here on Earth as of Jan. 8th, 2024. Many of us thought the Rapture might...

Greed is Not Good :: By Rick Segoine

In the movie “Wall Street,” the main character was a ruthless day trader named Gordon Gekko. Gekko coined the now infamous slogan, “Greed is...

Thankful For the Word of God :: By Rick Segoine

It is not in any way an exaggeration to say that we human beings, every single one of us, have Almighty God, the Creator...

The World Stage is Set :: By Rick Segoine

All of the insane wickedness that is happening all over this little planet we call home can be a bit overwhelming at times. Yet,...

Single Digit IQs and Reprobate Thinking :: By Rick Segoine

Is there one nation on planet Earth that is not corrupt in one or more ways? Is there one person of the anti-Semitic kind, one...

Faith of the Saints :: By Rick Segoine

All of the Old Testament Prophets and Patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Enoch and Job, Noah, Moses, the Maccabees, and so many more are...