Who is More Awesome Than God? :: By Rick Segoine

Who is more awesome than God? This is a question that is not at all difficult to answer, and the answer is no one....

Isaac and Ishmael :: By Rick Segoine

The irony of the story about the two sons of Abraham is coming around full circle in these last days just before the “Time...

Beware of the Occult :: By Rick Segoine

God chose Abraham to be the patriarch of what would become the nation of Israel. He chose the nation of Israel through which to...

Like a Giant Meteor Speeding Toward Earth :: By Rick Segoine

So many things are happening all at once. The fulfillment of end-times Bible prophecy is everywhere. Civilization is coming unglued, and fear is being...

The Wildfires Are Burning :: By Rick Segoine

Why are there fires burning out of control all around planet Earth? And what is the real story behind the recent fire that burned...

“Justice” :: By Rick Segoine

How long can a civilization survive without justice? Or a justice system that is made up of double standards? A more pertinent question would be, how...

The Rapture is Imminent :: By Rick Segoine

Speaking of the Rapture to His disciples, Jesus made it plainly clear when He said, “But of that day and hour no man knows,...

Why I Believe in a Biblical Worldview: (A Testimony) :: By Rick Segoine

Some say that there is no such thing as God, and some believe that there are many gods. Some believe that perhaps there was...

Haters of God… Lovers of Death :: By Rick Segoine

God stated in the book of Proverbs that all who hated Him love death. Islamic extremists have created an entire culture of death (Proverbs...

The Way, the Truth, and the Life :: By Rick Segoine

Jesus made this declaration: “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus...