The Devil’s Puppets :: By Rick Segoine

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“These six things doth the Lord hate. Yea, seven are an abomination to Him” (Proverbs 6:16-19, KJB).

1. A proud look
2. A lying tongue
3. Hands that shed innocent blood
4. A heart that devises wicked imaginations
5. Feet that are swift in running to mischief
6. A false witness that speaks lies
7. He that soweth discord among brethren

In these days of quite obvious prophetic fulfillment, the Rapture and the Seven-Year Tribulation, aka the 70th Week of Daniel, appear to be right upon our very doorstep. Satan, the devil, now has many legions of evil puppets exhibiting these seven nasty character traits that God hates and who are operating all over Planet Earth on the devil’s behalf. By the way, the devil and his puppets don’t limit their bad behavior only to these seven abominations that God hates.

The devil’s puppets are operating full force in the religious realms, the political realms, the news realms, the financial realms, the medical realms, and in the educational realms. Also in the social media realms, the entertainment realms, the sports realms, the weather manipulating realms, and in what has become painfully obvious, the evil globalist realms. These mega-wealthy, evil globalist creatures openly brag about the sinister plans they have for you and for me.

Consider the now-famous words of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari. For example, “You will own nothing and like it,” and “Humans are nothing more than useless eaters that are hackable.” Those two vile creatures wholeheartedly support transhumanism and the globalists’ UN Agenda 2030 to depopulate the world by about seven and one half billion people.

How do they plan to do this?

By murdering us with deadly vaccines, through euthanasia, through large and small wars of all kinds, and through starving us by controlling the farmland and the supply chains. These genocidal monsters are puppets of the devil.

A great deal of the manipulation of the devil’s puppets in all of the aforementioned realms is filtered down from the wicked overlord puppets to the lesser puppets occupying lower places on the evil totem pole. Marching orders passed down from the evil globalist realm, which is akin to wickedness in high places and is operated by ruthless, power-hungry, multi-billionaire, Lucifer-worshipping sociopaths and psychopaths, many of which are sodomites and pedophiles.

The devil’s puppets are intensely motivated in their efforts to deceive, create havoc, impose mandates and lockdowns, wreck economies, and inflict as much misery, pain and death as they possibly can, and in every way they can and do imagine.

Salivating like rabid biting dogs, they race into mischief, seeking to heap pain and misery upon you and upon me and upon all of the descendants of Adam and Eve who are not part of their evil worldwide Lucifer-worshipping cabal. Frantic in their attempts to inflict suffering on all who are not and refuse to ever be puppets of the devil.

The puppets of the devil are always devising wicked imaginations to cause harm to others and have no problem at all with the shedding of innocent blood, whether it be by hiring thugs to do their dirty work or by their own hands during satanic rituals. Or by manipulating nations into wars, including civil wars, as well as the ongoing slaughtering of the unborn through abortion and the killing and injuring of innocents as young as six months old by way of poisonous bio-weapons. Poisonous shots that they prefer for the public to think of as safe and effective experimental mRNA “vaccines.” “Vaccines” that, if they don’t kill you at the outset, can destroy immune systems and cause sterility, severe heart problems, and rapid-forming cancers, just to name a few of the potential harms these clot-shots are capable of causing.

Four-plus years of unbiased research by medical experts who are not in the pockets of the evil globalists have provided a mountain of truly scientific facts that are proof as to what these so-called “vaccines” actually are. This information is still available to truth-seekers willing to do research, in spite of the powers that be and their attempts to suppress any and all truth.

All of the things that God hates, things that are an abomination to Him, are a way of life to the puppets of the devil.

In the year 2024, it is getting to be a lot like it was for the entire population of Earth just before the flood in Noah’s time. Except for Noah and his family, nothing but evil thoughts filled the minds of men all of the time, right up until the day that God sent enormous amounts of water raining down upon and flooding the earth to cleanse it of wickedness (Genesis 6:5).

Right now, near the end of the year 2024, here on this planet we call Earth, wickedness has made a most hideous comeback. Wickedness that is aided greatly by technological advances.

A great many puppets of the devil are experienced and very accomplished in all of the things that God hates. The things that are an abomination to Him.

The arrogance that produces a proud look causes the devil’s puppets to become utterly intolerant of anyone who even slightly disagrees with any of their many false narratives. In their eyes, those who disagree with them deserve to have their reputations smeared and their livelihoods destroyed.

Many of the puppets, like their bent father, have lying tongues. Their moral bankruptcy and total lack of integrity allow them to tell lies continually without ever even thinking of their lies as lies. Lying comes as naturally to them as breathing.

These puppets have a master and mentor known as Satan the devil, who invented lying as well as arrogance, and the puppets simply dance to the tune of their puppet master. The devil controls their minds first, and then their puppet strings.

Lucifer the devil is at the top of the evil command chain, with the multi-billionaire, international bankster-gangster clans with names like Rothchild and Rockefeller, and rogue multi-billionaires like Soros and Gates, second in command over the captains of industry and the most influential bought and paid for sold-out politicians such as Trudeau, Obama, Zelensky, Clinton, Biden, and far too many others to list.

It is the spiritual wickedness in high places that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6:12.

It is the principalities and the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world on full display.

The puppets of the devil appear to delight in being evil and inflicting evil upon others, and that is why their feet are swift in running to mischief.

Because these puppets are backward-thinking hypocrites and, as Isaiah the prophet warned of, see good as evil and evil as good, they are also fine with accusing others of doing the evil things that they themselves are doing (Isaiah 5:20).

Bearing false witness and slandering their enemies is just normal to them. It never enters their broken reprobate minds nor bothers them in the least as to what harm they cause, or to what massive hypocrites they are. Hypocrites practicing double standards without empathy or remorse.

Witness the democratic presidential campaign commercials on television for blatant examples of lying, slandering, committing false witness, and accusing the opponent of exactly and precisely what they themselves have been doing repeatedly.

Sowing discord among brethren would appear to be a church or a believer’s issue, as the word brethren indicates a gathering of men and women who believe in the one true God, who inspired Solomon to write down the seven things that God hates.

Jesus commanded the brethren to love one another as He has loved us, and so any friction that is sowed among brethren is not from Jesus (John 13:34-35).

So, when one of the brethren allows the devil or one of his puppets to mislead them into causing discord of any kind among the body of believers, God is very displeased. He hates that.

Discord among the brethren can come in many different forms, including the introduction and adherence to heretical doctrines, conflicts about rock star pastors who own a fleet of private jets and a mega-mansion, sexual deviance of all kinds, compromise with worldly and/or woke ideologies, or just plain old arguing over scriptural points that have nothing to do with salvation.

John 3:16 is the good news of God’s plan for humanity in a nutshell.

“For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

God loves the world and has no joy in seeing anyone perish (2 Peter 3:9).

The brethren would be wise to remember and refer to John 3:16 when tempted by the devil or one of his puppets to indulge in conflicts that lead to anger and accusations. Especially over any non-salvation issues, including whether the Rapture is pre-, mid, or post-tribulation. The Rapture is a tremendously important topic to discuss and understand, but never to create disharmony or disunity over.

The Rapture will happen according to the will of God the Father, and all believers will be glad when it does happen because all of us who have believed in Jesus will, in the twinkling of an eye, find ourselves in our eternal bodies and face to face with our beloved Lord and Savior (1 Corinthians 15:52).

But this article is not about the timing of or the reasons for the Rapture. It is about the devil’s puppets wallowing in the things that God hates.

The devil and his puppets love doing the things that God hates, and they love dragging as many people down with them as they possibly can.

In 2 Corinthians 4:4, Paul writes, “Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”

In the first book of The Space Trilogy by C.S Lewis, in the book entitled Out of the Silent Planet, the devil, whom Paul referred to as the “god of this world,” is known as the “bent one.”

The “bent one,” aka the devil, and the puppets of the bent one really are determined to do all of the things that God hates.

Or, as Forest Gump’s mother used to say, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

When human beings take delight in doing the things that God hates and become thoroughly infused with the backward thinking depicted in Isaiah 5:20 about viewing evil as good and good as evil, at some point, their minds and hearts become bent and broken and reprobate. They become puppets of the devil.

The devil and his puppets think and behave as if they are smarter than everyone else, including God, yet their reprobate hearts and minds are bent and broken.

Thus, they are blind to who Jesus truly is, and their dysfunctional minds are oblivious to objectivity, logic, common sense, simple facts, and basic decency, and are not remotely interested in fairness or scales that are balanced.

They love playing on a field that is not at all level and with two sets of rules, while falsely claiming to play with only one set.

And to the devil, and to all of the puppets he has so cunningly deceived, the end totally justifies the means no matter who gets hurt or what amount of collateral damage is involved.

That sounds a lot like the far-left Democrats.

Is that because the godless, far-left Democrats are sold out to the lies of Lucifer? It appears so, and because life is so full of irony, just add one little letter, and the spelling can easily go from Democrats to Demonic rats, also known as “puppets of the devil.”

At this point in time, as we travel (some would say race) along the prophetic timeline, riot-inducing social agitators and disrupters like Antifa and BLM are funded by multi-billionaire Soros, a man with a sordid past who has publicly claimed to be a god.

These thug-like mercenaries who, like so many activist judges also bankrolled by Soros, are adored by the far-left Democrats, who are owned by the Marxists, who are owned by the Globalists, who are owned by Satan, the devil.

All of them have identified themselves, through their words and actions, to be puppets of the devil.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16).

The devil and some of his high-ranking puppets are in control of the international bankers who own the IMF and all of the central banks, the Vatican and the unholy father, the barbaric and murderous “religion of peace” also known as Islam, most national governments, and thousands of corrupt politicians all around the world.

The devil and his vile puppets are also in control of all of the propaganda spewing fake news outlets, Big Pharma, the United Nations, the WHO, the World Economic Forum and all depopulation agendas, and a number of government agencies such as the CDC, CIA, DOJ, and NIH in America and their counterparts in most other nations.

Also, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Illuminati, 33rd-degree Masons, the Bilderbergers, and the Davos crowd, just to name a few, and many of the evil puppets are members of more than one of these God-hating and/or Lucifer-worshipping groups.

Add a few individual rogue multi-billionaires with twisted worldviews like Gates, Zuckerberg, and Soros to the mix, and it becomes understandable why C.S. Lewis called the alliance of evil “That Hideous Strength.”

Together, they have the funds to export their evil schemes far and wide.

The puppets of the devil are out to infiltrate and sabotage any and every agency or institution that could or can stand between them and their perverted desire to control everything and everyone, including God, whom they wish to replace with their vile selves.

They have corrupted the educational realms to the point where they now control and foment the dumbing down of entire generations through untaught or altered history and continual gaslighting.

It is also the devil and his puppets who have conjured up countless false religions that teach “another Jesus” or some alternate way to heaven other than through Jesus alone, who is the Way and the Truth and the Life.

Jesus is the only Way, the one Truth, and the creator and sustainer of Life.

Also, under the insidious evil puppet spell of the devil are an untold number of un-elected bureaucrats and government yes-men and yes-women, as well as anyone anywhere who is encouraging others to partake in one or more of the seven things God hates.

All who love God the Father who created life, God the Son who spoke life into existence, and God the Holy Spirit who leads us to the truth in all things are given the means to see through the deceitful ways of the devil and his puppets.

Because we believe in Jesus and gratefully accept the gift of salvation, we may boldly proclaim, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31-33)

The answer to that question is—no one. If God be for us, no one can be against us. Not the devil, not any of his puppets, not anyone at all.

Our Lord and Savior is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who spoke all of creation into existence.

He has sovereign, supernatural powers that allow Him to do anything He chooses to do, no matter how impossible it might seem to a human person.

He is perfect, and He is righteous, and He is Holy always and forever.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Thus says the Lord our God in Isaiah 55:9.

Our Lord conquered death and has complete power over life and death in your life and in my life, just as He did in the life of Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead.

All prophecy is being fulfilled, and the pace appears to be accelerating rapidly.

The Holy Spirit recently inspired a brother in Christ with this gem of wisdom to share with the brethren: “Prophecy is not given to us to scare us but to prepare us.”

Prophecy informs us that the devil and his puppets have their ultimate fate already sealed. Like Haman, who was exposed by Esther, the things that they have planned for others will, in time, happen to them instead.

Revelation 6:15-16 describes this scenario happening to those who seek to depopulate the world, as well as all who are unrepentant and unrighteous.

“Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountain, calling to the mountains and rocks,” ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb.’”

The devil knows that he and his evil puppets have very little time left to violate all of the things that God hates, and that is great news for all who love God, trust Jesus, and look forward with joy and anticipation for the trumpet to sound, the angel to shout, and the Lord to call us home.

My prayer is for the protection of the innocent against any and all of the wicked schemes that may be imposed upon them by the devil or any of his puppets. But also, if it is even possible, that at least some of the devil’s puppets, yes, any with even the tiniest bit of room left for repentance, will turn to Jesus, cut loose from their puppet strings, and honor Holy God in His desire that none should perish, yet while there is still a little time left here on earth before the trumpet blows.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ also taught us to always pray this prayer:

Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Rick Segoine


All are welcome to visit to obtain a copy of my book, From God to Eternity, read past articles, and listen to and/or download original songs that are all about the things that are written about here in regard to biblical prophecy and life itself.

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